Angel the Angel

Posted by on October 2, 2013 in Blogs, Featured, Home Page | 0 comments

Angel the Angel

Angel the Angel

She came to me, of course, when I was most in need.  I had recently left my spiritual teacher and the community of friends I had been living with and my heart was sore.

Angel arrived as an 8 week puppy and there was a deep connection immediately.  I felt a love for her that went deep into my heart and bought me the deepest joy.  She was a bundle of light. She was sensitive, funny and very intelligent.

Over the years our bond grew deeper and the love blossomed into a soft, tender and highly attuned togetherness that always helped me through difficult times.  During this period of my life I was in deep process of clearing negative patterns from my being.  I went through many life lessons and always, Angel was there encouraging me to become my best self.

Everyone who met Angel remarked on her “Consciousness”.  She spread light and love to many who came into our life.  I accepted that I was very lucky being blessed by such an obviously evolved “dog” and enjoyed being with her because she had such a high vibration, it was very nurturing to be around.

Angel Explains

Four years ago we decided to move to Pembrokeshire to be deep in nature.   We found a house and moved in and four months later quite suddenly,  Angel departed for the higher realms.  I was grief stricken, my heart was broken into thousands of pieces.  I was in shock and disbelief that my dearest friend had left so suddenly.  I made an appointment with one of the world’s leading animal communicators who contacted Angel and explained why she had gone.  She said it was perfectly timed, she had to be on the “other side” to work with me in a new way.  She told me she had been my Guardian angel ever since my soul was conceived, but had never incarnated in a body.  She was going to come as my child, but as I’d never had children she came as my dog.

It all made perfect sense.  That was why she had such presence, like a golden aura around her.

Letting Go

Some people told me I should just let go of the attachment, but I realised it was because of the attachment, that this situation was perfectly designed by our souls to open me up.  Because my heart was broken, it enabled it to be rebuilt in a way that took me to a new level of compassion and empathy that I have embraced and now use in my daily life.

I also wrote to Angel many times and she replied through automatic writing to me.  These exchanges were deeply healing as well as revealing.  She always bought me to the highest perspective and counselled me to rise up in spirit and see that “death” is not the end, it is actually the beginning of a new journey into a higher realm in which we can grow our understanding of life and our part in it.

I can now say, that I am so deeply grateful for this golden opportunity to be reborn into a deeper, wiser, happier person and I am now living my dream of working with all animals and continuing to grow myself in joy, love and light.

angel the angel


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